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5 Must-Read Books Released in June

5 Must-Read Books Released in June

Say it with me, ya’ll



That’s right, after waiting so patiently for the weather Gods to smile on us, it’s finally here.

Considering that I live in Ohio, with nary an ocean beach in sight — and that I’m far from what you would call outdoorsy — it’s actually really surprising that beach read season amps me up as much as it does.

I guess it’s just something about the possibility. 

The potential.

If I wanted to, I could hop in my car, drive 10-ish hours to the nearest coast, and park my tush in the sand while I read.

What I’ll more likely do is deposit my tipsy ass on my back porch, holding perfectly still while I devour my latest read and the forever ravenous mosquitoes devour me.

Wherever it is you like to read, this month has been full of some epic new releases that deserve a place on your TBR.

Check out the 5 we absolutely adored, below.

Maybe This Time

by Jill Mansell

Release Date - June 4, 2019

Genre - Women’s Fiction / Romance

Mimi Huish is accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the city. But when she travels to quaint Gooosebrook to visit her father and his new husband, she finds the calm quiet almost intoxicating.

Another thing she finds tremendously appealing about Goosebrook is its residents. 

Or, more specifically, one resident: Cal Mathieson.  

Her attraction to Cal is immediate, but when she finds out that he is happily married with a daughter, she resigns herself to just being friends.

Years pass and things change for Mimi, for Cal, and for the village of Goosebrook. 

But despite the fact that the impediments that once stood between the two potential lovers  evaporate one-by-one, the time just never seems right for them to transition their relationship from a friendship to a romance. 

Mimi remains optimistic, however. Each time she heads back to Goosebrook, adding to the increasingly complex history she shares with Cal, she wonders if maybe this time it will all work out.

Readers will not only fall in love with Mimi and Cal, they will also become infatuated with Goosebrook. Sweet, charming, and adorably innocent, this novel will leave you entranced. 


The First Mistake

by Sandie Jones

Release Date - June 11, 2019

Genre - Thriller

Though Alice has an almost idyllic life now, she has suffered her share of heartache. Years ago her first husband tragically died, vanishing on a skiing trip and leaving behind Alice and the daughter they shared.

Fortunately, Alice found love again, meeting Nathan who she would go on to remarry and with whom she would welcome a second daughter.

Another mark in the plus column, Alice has a dependable best friend, Beth. 

Though Beth and Alice started out as two acquaintances whose daughters went to school together, their relationship has grown into so much more. Now Alice trusts Beth implicitly and is willing to confide in her, telling her things she wouldn’t even tell her husband.

This confidence she has in Beth becomes even more important when it starts to look like Alice’s husband, Nathan, is being unfaithful.

As Alice digs, looking to either confirm or disprove her husband’s infidelity, she discovers that the real truth is so much more complex than she ever could have imagined.

Readers will race through this simple yet stunning thriller and will likely find themselves shocked by the believable yet surprising twists it contains. 


The Friend Zone

by Abby Jimenez

Release Date - June 11, 2019

Genre - Romance

When Kristen and Josh meet with a bang — like, literally, he rear-ends her — it seems like they are all but destined to end up together.

Josh, a strapping fireman who works wood in his spare time will be the perfect business associate for Kristen, a confident entrepreneur who sells dog merch — including sets of custom-built bed-height stairs — on her website.

Add to this the fact that Kristen’s best friend Slone is slated to marry Josh’s best friend Brandon, so a Kristen and Josh romantic merger would be fucking ideal.

But despite their natural chemistry —  and all of the other marks in the plus column — Kristen is determined to keep Josh in the friend zone.

As their attraction increases and his frustration grows, Josh becomes even more determined to break through Kristen’s defense and transcend the romantic class into which she has relegated him.

But what he doesn’t know is that Kristen has a very real reason for wanting him to stay in the friend zone. A reason that is too significant to overlook.

Sweet, sensitive, sexy and surprisingly deep, this book isn’t your everyday average beach read. It’s one that will stick with you long after you’ve stopped finding sand in your unmentionable regions

The Last House Guest

by Megan Miranda

Release Date - June 18, 2019

Genre - Thriller

Littleport, Maine, is the type of town to which fans of beach-reading flock. 

Well, the wealthy ones at least.

Like many seaside towns, in Littleport there is a stark division between the haves — the wealthy tourists who view the town as a seasonal playground — and the have-nots — the year-round residents who eke out a meager existence catering to the needs of these tourists.

Given the deep divide between these two classes, there is rarely any friendly co-mingling. 

But Sadie Loman and Avery Greer are the exception.

For years Avery, a resident of Littleport, has anxiously awaited the return of her seasonal compatriot Sadie, an affluent visitor.

They’ve always enjoyed their summers together and, despite how different their lives might seem, they share a surprising amount in common.

But suddenly, what Avery assumed would be another enjoyable summer, turns into anything but.

Sadie is found dead.

Though police quickly rule her death a suicide, Avery is not satisfied with this answer. She knew Sadie and she’s certain she wouldn’t have taken her own life.

Amplifying her suspicion is the ever growing feeling that everyone around Avery — all of the other residents who call Littleport home — are keeping secrets from her.

Engaging and fast-paced, this newest thriller from the dependable Megan Miranda will have you watching your back while you’re on vaca this summer.



by Richard Kirshenbaum

Release Date - June 25, 2019

Genre - Historical Fiction

When Josephine Hertz left her home in Poland and moved to Australia to work as a counter girl at her uncle’s store, she didn’t have a very clear picture of what she would do with her life. As she goes about her day job, though, she finds she has a quite pronounced skill — the ability to close a sale. 

Though she starts off re-selling moisturizer she brought with her from Poland, she soon sets her sights higher, aiming to not just sell, but actually develop, cosmetic products.

Almost simultaneously, Constance Gardner leaves behind her home in Canada and moves to New York City. When she does so, she rebrands herself, becoming Constance Gardiner. 

It’s not long before she, too, decides that there simply aren't enough affordable, high-quality products available to women seeking to look like their favorite stars of the silver screen. Certain that she has the skill to fill this perceived gap in the market, she too sets out to develop and distribute cosmetics.

As the two women work, their efforts often overlapping, a rivalry builds. This town — this world — isn’t big enough for the both of them. But who really does have what it takes to become the mother of modern cosmetics?

Vastly different from many new releases, this historical fiction novel transports readers back to a time that was paradoxically both simpler and more complex. Readers will become immersed in this world and invested in the successes and failures of these two pioneering women. 

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REVIEW: "Rouge" by Richard Kirshenbaum

REVIEW: "Rouge" by Richard Kirshenbaum

REVIEW: "The Friend Zone" by Abby Jimenez

REVIEW: "The Friend Zone" by Abby Jimenez